Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reply to: Mun's "students in UT are not carrying the gun to study"

(BLOG 6)
        When I came across Hansol Muns blog called "students in UT are not carrying the gun to study" I began to wonder whether carrying guns on campus are a good or bad thing. Muns claims that fellow students perhaps may feel “quietly threaten” with the new open carry laws, which I completely agree. How will students feel knowing that someone might be carrying a gun? Like Mun mentioned we don’t really know how mentally stable a person is or if we can fully trust someone with this type of lethal power. The only small note I would make about Muns blog would be to add in reasons why other people think open carry on campuses is a good idea, how they view the idea, and what campus could propose.  Perhaps Campuses should have some type of mental evaluation that allows a mentally stable person to carry a weapon on a campus. Overall I definitely agree with Mun and some of the views listed, although I would also love hear the opposing side as well. 

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